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Dentures in Leeds


As a replacement for missing teeth, dentures can help you speak and eat properly and feel good about yourself. They also support your facial muscles, lips and cheeks, helping you retain your youthful appearance! 

However, dentures are something that a lot of people worry about and live in fear of them moving or slipping in public.  As a specialist in providing dentures, Dr Gahan works in partnership with a leading denture technician to produce beautiful and individually crafted dentures. This bespoke service achieves the best possible results for your individual circumstances. By using superior materials for natural-looking teeth and gums, your dentures will look and feel part of you. 


In some cases, you may choose for the dentures to be made more secure with dental implants. Anywhere from one to four implants can completely transform a denture experience and give you the confidence and security you need.

Dr Gahan is a registered prosthodontics specialist and has been fitting dentures for over 21 years. Here we answer some of the most common queries people have about dentures. If you would like to book a consultation with Dr Gahan, please get in touch with the team at Finkle Hill Dental Care by calling 01977 682 200 or emailing

Are dentures better than implants?

When thinking about the best course of action to replace your missing teeth – dentures or full implant bridges – it really depends on your individual circumstances. Here we break down the pros and cons of dentures.


If you’re still unsure, Dr Gahan will be happy to discuss your case further with you.

What are the benefits of dentures?

  • Cost-effective compared to implants

  • A straightforward way to replace multiple teeth

  • Good aesthetics – making you feel more confident

  • They can replace lost gum and bone, helping to support the lips and maintain your facial structure

What are the drawbacks of dentures?

  • They have the potential to move when talking and eating

  • Food can get stuck to dentures, as well as underneath them, which could cause embarrassment

  • There’s the potential for dentures to come loose, which might affect your confidence when socialising

Partial dentures

Partial dentures replace one or more grouped missing teeth. They are attached to acrylic or metal frameworks. They may be designed to sit in areas of your mouth where they won’t fall out, or they may have clips which attach to your natural teeth or crowns to keep the denture secure in your mouth.


The best option is implant-retained dentures. They are becoming increasingly popular as a more cost-effective way to securely replace multiple missing teeth than full implant bridges. Dr Gahan will help you decide the best option for you.

Complete dentures

Complete, or full dentures, replace all the natural teeth in the lower or upper jaw. Dentures on the upper jaw are held in place by saliva and suction to the palate. The facial muscles and tongue also play a part. A full denture on the lower jaw can be trickier to hold in place as there is no palate to create suction and the tongue, cheeks and lips can move the dentures. With practice, you will learn to control your muscles to keep them in place. The more you wear them, the easier this will become.

Some people may decide to go for implant-retained dentures, which can transform a loose denture – greatly improving chewing and confidence. By using natural-looking denture teeth, injection moulding and detailed natural-looking gum shaping of the denture, your dentures will look like natural teeth. 

How much do dentures cost?

The cost of your dentures will vary depending on the complexity of your case, but as a guideline, you can expect to pay between £995 and £1995 – more if you opt for them to be secured with an implant. See our fees page for more information.

Do dentures look natural?

Yes. Dr Gahan works with an excellent technician who uses the latest techniques and premium materials to produce a natural-looking smile, giving you the utmost confidence.

Will my dentures fall out?

No, however they can become loose. Over time, changes in your tooth position, along with gum and soft tissue change, can mean your dentures no longer fit properly. Dental implants can provide a solution in this case as they provide a solid point to fix the dentures.


Dentures are also prone to wear and tear, so it’s important to have regular check-ups to make sure any issues are picked up in time. 

How are dentures fixed?

Depending on the type of denture you have, dentures can be fixed by a clip, or they simply sit in your mouth. 

Dental implants can be used to transform dentures by securing them in place. This is very cost-effective in comparison to full implants. Dr Gahan can talk to you about your various options.

How do I care for my dentures?

Just like your natural teeth, your dentures need to be looked after carefully – in this case, brushed and soaked every day. Firstly, brush them to remove any food build-up or residue and then soak in a denture-cleaning solution. The Oral Health Foundation has more information on cleaning your dentures and Dr Gahan will also be able to advise you on this.

What are flexible dentures?

Flexible dentures use a special type of denture material to help grip to difficult areas. Although they come with some benefits, such as not using clasps, they also have disadvantages – particularly if you’re prone to gingivitis as they’re more difficult to clean. Dr Gahan will be able to advise on the best type of dentures for you.

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